Are You Trapped In A Cycle Of Worry, Stress and Fear?

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

– Arthur Somers Roche

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Do you start the day with ‘what if’ questions? “What if things go wrong, or what if [fill in the blank] happens? Are stress, fear and persistent worry holding you back from living the life you want? Do you wake up with anxious thoughts, a sinking feeling in your gut and/or dread about getting up and starting the day? Do you experience uncomfortable sensations in your body, such as a racing heart, cold hands or feet, nausea or dizziness? Some people experience headaches or have difficulty concentrating. Maybe you have trouble sleeping, especially if you struggle to switch off your racing mind from the worries of the day. Do you wish that you could learn to manage your anxiety, experience sustained relief and enjoy the people and the world around you?  Do you wish you could stop anticipating the worst?

Living with anxiety can be a frightening, frustrating and lonely experience. Physical symptoms of anxiety often begin as soon as a worried thought crosses your mind, distracting you and interrupting your ability to handle your day-to-day responsibilities. Sometimes people aren’t even aware that what is at the root of their nausea, headaches, racing heart or blank mind, is anxiety and worry. Having newfound knowledge of why you are feeling what you are feeling can be empowering and can initiate your road to recovery. 

Anxiety is Anticipation of Danger

Anxiety is incredibly common in our culture, with one in four adults experiencing generalized anxiety, social anxiety, phobias or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In addition, 85 percent of teenagers will suffer from anxiety at some point. Anxiety can frequently trigger people to withdraw inward and feel locked inside their minds during anxious moments, often seeming “lost in thought.” The paradox is that, while stuck in the grip of anxiety, you may appear to others to be aloof or in control, while inwardly, you are struggling with overwhelming feelings of worry and are truly in need of support. A mind filled with worry and insecurity has little “room” for interacting with others, leading to an emotional shut down or, alternatively, an overabundance of emotional outbursts and impulses.

Human brains are hardwired to scan for danger, and anxiety is a survival mechanism. We are protective beings, looking for what could go wrong and using the anticipation of disaster as a way to survive. However, in the process, we have developed highly-skilled scanning techniques, which, for many people, leads to hypervigilance and interferes with normal functioning. In response to a threat or perceived danger, the body moves into fight, flight or freeze mode. The heart begins to race in preparation to run or fight. If fighting or fleeing isn’t an option, the body will freeze and the ability to think or speak clearly is inhibited in order to reduce the likelihood of being seen or heard. Traumatic life experiences often reinforce this fear response, causing an increase in anxiety symptoms. Anxiety can begin in childhood, with parents who imparted a fearful view of the world, or who themselves were impulsive or punitive. In today’s world, the continual barrage of news 24/7 can create an anxious mind filled with worries about impending global disaster.

The good news is that anxiety disorders are highly treatable. With the right approach and support, it is possible to interrupt and reframe the cycle of worried thoughts and bodily responses. Learning specific skills and gaining insight into the roots of your anxiety can help you befriend your inner self, silence fearful thoughts and empower you to live a more balanced and confident life.

Therapy For Anxiety Can Provide You With Skills, Support And Relief

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There are many effective approaches to treating anxiety and panic, and anxiety treatments continue to become more holistic and rely less on medication. Through an effective approach including breath work, body relaxation and guided meditation, you can retrain your brain to replace worrisome thoughts with calm facts. You can also learn about neurological processes and the role of the central nervous system, which can help you better understand and gain control over unwanted experiences of anxiety and worry.

In the comfortable, safe space of my office and/or through phone/video calling, you’ll gain an understanding of the anatomy of anxiety, including learning about the brain/body connection, the vagus nerve and the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous systems. Together, we’ll trace your history of anxiety and explore how your upbringing and/or life experiences may have contributed to how you feel now.

As we identify what situations and thoughts cause you anxiety, I’ll help you learn cognitive strategies and specific breath work techniques designed to reduce mental and body discomfort. In sessions, we can use role-play exercises to rehearse specific moments that cause you worry. Through practice, you can become comfortable using new approaches, which you can draw from when you feel heightened anxiety coming on. Our sessions will incorporate tailor-made strategies, including guided meditation, visualization, self-soothing techniques, finding good facts, building strong support networks and gaining insight and self-reflection. I’ll also offer coaching, as needed, to encourage and support you in making lifestyle changes that can decrease anxiety symptoms. Most importantly, I’ll help you befriend your inner self so that you can become your own inner nurturer, as you reduce self-critical and/or fear-based thoughts. Throughout the counseling process, you can develop an increased ability to be present in your current experience and, through breath work and mindfulness exercises, feel more connected to and soothed by your own body.

As an experienced and innovative therapist with over 25 years of experience in practice, I know both personally and professionally how difficult it can be to live with heightened stress, worries and ongoing fears. But, I also know that it is possible to manage and overcome anxiety. Time and again, I have seen that anxiety doesn’t need to rule your world. It is possible to engage in your life without fear and feel empowered to create the life you want for yourself.

You still may have questions or concerns about treatment for anxiety …

Shouldn’t I be able to overcome anxiety on my own?

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Everybody struggles at some point, and it’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to seek help when it’s needed. Often, just a few sessions with an experienced therapist can help set you on a better path. Like riding a bike, once you know how to use specific techniques and skills, you can retrain your mind, experience sustained relief, and go places you never thought possible.

Why am I the only person who makes things into such a big deal?

Everyone is different, but you are not alone. While millions of people suffer from anxiety, most people do not talk openly about their experience. Many suffer in silence, too afraid to reach out for help. If you’re worried that you’re making molehills into mountains, we can evaluate if your concerns are indeed cause for worry and, if so, problem-solve to lessen them. And, if your worries are not actually big concerns, you can learn to see them in context. You can develop the skills needed to focus on the good in the world around you, which can help you feel more comfortable and better able to take charge of your life.

I don’t want to take medication for my anxiety.

Medicine is by no means always necessary for anxiety. In fact, there are many approaches other than medication that can help you manage and overcome anxiety symptoms. Together, we’ll determine the best course of action for you based on your values, needs and therapy goals. Essentially, however, my approach to treating anxiety is innovative and holistic. It is designed to help you develop increased awareness and cultivate your strengths. You can become your own medicine and harness your inner resources to better manage symptoms of anxiety.

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You Can Live A Calmer, Less Stressful Life

If you’re ready to begin living in ways that are free from excessive worry and panic, I can help. Call 203-482-2402 or email today for a free 15-minute phone consultation in which I can answer any questions you have about treating anxiety and my practice. I look forward to our work together.