Do You Feel Trapped Under A Dark Cloud Of Depression?  

“The wound is the place where the light comes in.”

– Rumi

colorless person fading away

Does everything in your life just seem “off” or “wrong?” It may be that you no longer feel hopeful or happy about anything, are crying more than usual (either for no reason or triggered by something that would ordinarily be insignificant), or simply feel numb and unable to express emotions. It may be that getting up in the morning now requires a lot of effort and you feel like you’re moving in slow motion. Do you have difficulty making even the simplest decisions? Perhaps you continually struggle to express yourself and normal conversation feels strained and uncomfortable. Do you find your friends and family increasingly irritating and, in response, you constantly want to be left alone? It may feel like your smiling muscles have become frozen, stiff and/or unnatural. Perhaps you feel anxious, worried and hopeless a lot of the time. Do you wish you could gain control over your thoughts and feelings, shake off your intense sadness and start over?

Living with depression can be an exhausting, frightening and isolating experience. Maybe you feel stuck, overwhelmed by a sense of self-disgust or self-hatred. Perhaps the world seems dark and dull, or foods that you once loved now taste bland.  Or even, that once-loved activities or other strategies that used to help brighten your mood no longer bring relief. It may be that you have recurring thoughts of death and/or suicidal impulses, or a feeling that something terrible is going to happen. You may have difficulty sleeping and your mind may frequently replay past failures, uncomfortable experiences and negative emotions. Perhaps the onset of your depression symptoms coincided with the ending of a relationship, death of a loved one and/or a stressful time at work or home. Or maybe you feel like you’re not living the life you want and believe in. Do you struggle to hold onto even one happy memory or shred of hope for the future?

Depression Is Incredibly Common And Affects Millions Of People Every Year

If you are struggling with depression, you are not alone. Depression is extremely common, affecting 350 million people worldwide and 16 million Americans each year. Over 30 percent of men will experience at least one episode of depression in their lifetime, and women are twice as likely as men to suffer with this illness. However, depression isn’t limited just to adults—20 percent of teens also struggle with intense depressive symptoms each year.

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There are many factors that contribute to the likelihood of becoming depressed. For some, there may only be a single factor, such as genetic history. For others, a multitude of factors intersect. These can be biological and/or cognitive, and can include stressful life events, loss, illness, loneliness and medicinal side effects. Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) can also cause or contribute to depression, and new thinking suggests that the biology of the gut may also play a role. For women, fluctuating hormones throughout the life cycle can greatly influence mood, which may explain why women are at significantly higher risk than men for developing depression. Sometimes, a sudden change in mood can be related to an existential crisis, which suggests that depression is not just a biological illness. It can be caused by being in a job that no longer seems right, a marriage that no longer brings joy or solace, realizing that you are veering off course in your life path and/or feeling powerless in the face of frustrating, stressful political climates or social situations.

However, it’s important to realize that depression is highly treatable and it is possible to find help and true relief. Part of the therapeutic process is identifying some of the factors that are contributing to your depression so that you can focus on making changes – be that a shift in career, marital therapy, or learning strategies to cope with inner, critical thoughts. The fact is, there ARE solutions that can help lift your depression. Working with an experienced therapist can have a profound, positive impact on your life and help you understand and reduce your symptoms of depression. 

Therapy For Depression Can Provide You With Support, Skills And Relief

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Seeking therapeutic help is the first step to rewiring your mind and shifting your perspective, so that you can gain control over negative thoughts and feelings. Psychotherapy is a proven, effective method to help people like you overcome depression symptoms and live with more joy, compassion and light.

In the comfortable, safe space of my office (and/or via Skype, FaceTime or phone calls), you’ll learn about the anatomy of thoughts and emotions, and better understand the causes and conditions that can lead to an increase or decrease in depression. We’ll discuss the particular situations that are affecting your depression and will problem-solve the best way to proceed in changing these situations and your relationship with them. You’ll learn new ways of thinking to affect change in your inner speech (how you speak to yourself) and your perception of external situations and events. Through thoughtful, compassionate discussion and examination, I’ll help you shift into a place of acceptance where you will be better equipped to decide what changes you can make to improve your life situation and mood.

As we develop rapport and identify your patterns, you’ll learn protective techniques to lesson depression, including ways to improve sleep and how to choose foods to nourish your mood. We can assess the option of medicine, as well as which specific cognitive and behavioral strategies are best for you. Using mindfulness techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and coaching, I will help you gain new skills and strategies to deepen and broaden your inner resources, allowing you to become the expert of your thoughts and emotions.

I am a compassionate listener and strongly believe that there are always ways to lessen the severity and complexity of depression. I view each person holistically, taking into consideration your life experiences, current situation and unique biologic makeup. I view myself as a co-facilitator, helping locate the causes of your depression and finding ways to lift you from them.

In my over 25 years of experience, I have seen people at their lowest points progress to a place of renewal and regeneration, where they are able to lead lives filled with hope, fun and purpose. By working together, I am confident that we can turn your life around, too, allowing light into the darkness and freeing you from the weight of depression.

While depression can feel overwhelming, with help and support, you can uncover what you want in life and move toward achieving goals and realizing dreams. I believe in the resiliency of the human spirit and, by engaging in treatment, you are giving yourself the opportunity to feel better and gain new life skills. With a willingness to affect change in your life, you can reconnect with yourself and others, strengthen your resilience, and emerge into a better, brighter life. 

You may still have questions and concerns about treatment for depression…

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Shouldn’t I be able to overcome depression on my own?

There isn’t a person in this world that hasn’t struggled at some point. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to seek help when it’s needed. Accepting help during challenging times allows you to increase in empathy for yourself and others. Through working with an experienced therapist, you can grow in compassion and discover new, effective ways to allow light into those dark places.

I feel hopeless and don’t believe that anything will change.

Although things may seem dark right now and solutions may appear nonexistent, with the right help and support, it is possible to feel better. Life is a journey made easier when shared with others who understand what you’re going through, people who have travelled similar paths. Through therapy, I can offer you experienced support and guidance, and provide you with new ways of relating to your symptoms. Together, we can improve your sense of wellbeing and help you find a better path—one that brings you more happiness and joy.

I’m afraid of – medicine, making drastic life changes, the cost of therapy, etc.

small plant and big roots underneath

In the safe space of psychotherapy sessions, we will move at a pace you feel comfortable with and proceed only as you feel ready. Together, we will chart the right path for you. For some people, medicine is what helps turn things around. For others, it’s adding an activity and doing something completely different – like exercising, or even dancing! And, while there is a cost involved with treatment for depression, we will make your therapy both effective and reasonable with a beginning, middle and an end – which is when you will feel better!

You Can Live A Happy, Fulfilling Life

If you’re ready to begin the recovery process from depression, I invite you to call me at 203-482-2402 or email today for a free 15-minute phone consultation, in which I can answer any questions you have about psychotherapy for depression and my practice. I look forward to our work together.