In The News

Children & Teens

More College Students Seem to Be Majoring in Perfectionism

Perfectionism has increased in college students by 33% since 1989.

Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?

Teens are experiencing greater levels of severe anxiety, surpassing depression.

To Raise Resilient Kids, Be a Resilient Parent

Parents who embrace the challenges of life help their children adjust and tolerate life's difficulties. 

Life Learnings

To Counter Loneliness, Find Ways to Connect

The UnLonely project seeks to raise awareness of the toxic effects of loneliness and how to encourage social connections.

Loneliness may be a greater public health hazard than obesity — here are 4 psychology-backed tips to combat it

Unplugging and reconnecting.

The Case for Having a Hobby

Hobbies increase psychological and physical well-being.

Fred Rogers and the Loveliness of the Little Good

I highly recommend watching the documentary about Fred Rogers, "Won't You Be My Neighbor."

His daughter melted down on stage, so he joined her. The Internet crowned him ‘Daderina.’

Empathy and connection in action.

The Positive Death Movement Comes to Life

A movement has begun to get us comfortable with death.

Want to Be Happy? Think Like an Old Person

Wonderful research and interviews with older people who have wisdom to share for all of us.

Can Kindness Be Taught?

Check out the Kindness Curriculum, for preschoolers.  It will bring hope to your heart.

Depression, Anxiety, & Addiction

The Great God of Depression

The author William Styrone's personal account of depression, written nearly 30 years ago, opened the door to empathy and understanding rather than stigmatization of this mental illness.

Video Game Addiction Tries to Move From Basement to Doctor’s Office

Gaming disorder will now be listed in the International Classification of Diseases as an addiction.

His College Knew of His Despair. His Parents Didn’t, Until It Was Too Late.

The importance of the FERPA form for all college students.

Preventing Suicide Among College Students

Underscoring the importance of getting permission for colleges and parents to communicate regarding their child's mental health.

I often blame myself for my depression. Here’s how my therapist helped me contextualize it.

One person's reframing of her depression.

For longevity, have no more than one drink a day, study says

Moderation of drinking continues to be best for health.

Please don’t give up

A wife whose husband died by suicide encourages those suffering with depression to continue seeking support and help.


Curable aims to treat chronic pain through mindfulness and meditation

An app for mindfulness and chronic pain.

Could walking barefoot on grass improve your health? Some research suggests it can.

Walking in the grass can improve your health.

Mindfulness for Children

A descriptive article, complete with the fundamentals of mindfulness and some mindfulness exercises you can try.

New Treatment Discoveries

Could psychedelics transform mental health?

Several studies have found that psychedelics may be helpful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and addiction.

The Two Things Psychedelics Can Do to People With Depression

Research indicates that psilocybin may relieve depression.


Cardinal Dolan: There is no Bible passage to justify family separation

Attachment between parents and children is both a biological and moral imperative.

What to Do When a Loved One Is Severely Depressed

Advice from experts on how to help a loved one who is depressed.

‘You were the reason’: Barbara and George Bush’s love story remembered at her funeral

A marriage of love that lasted a lifetime.

For a Better Marriage, Act Like a Single Person

Expectations in marriages have changed -- check out what contemporary couples want.

Debunking Myths About Estrangement

New research suggests that estrangement within families is not uncommon.  A dialectical opposite to the importance of attachment.

Science & Neuroscience

Strange Stories of Extraordinary Brains—and What We Can Learn From Them

Neuroscientists explore the unusual brains of unusual people. 

The Neuroscience of Patience

Science shows that we have more patience if we're looking forward to what we are waiting for.

A Quarter Million Gamers Helped Build This Incredibly Detailed Map of the Brain

Check out what gamers have been up to, in helping to map the brain.

Sedate a Plant, and It Seems to Lose Consciousness. Is It Conscious?

New research suggests that plants may experience emotions like pain or joy.

A Deep Dive Into the Brain, Hand-Drawn
by the Father of Neuroscience

Beautiful hand-drawn pictures of the brain -- a must-see!

A biologist believes that trees speak a language we can learn

Trees are always networking, connecting with everything around them, including us.